“You regret the things you don’t do, not the things you do do.”

Imagine you’re 63, a beautiful partner, home, kids, your career is at its peak, even grandkids coming soon!
Is it really the time to pick up and explore the world? Your family needs you, you definitely can’t take more than two weeks off of work. You have a heck of a ton of bills to pay. Life is great, it’s easy, you’re cruising. And hopefully your health is in great shape and you have all your limbs!
The thing I hear most is wishing someone had travelled more when they were younger. When you’re older its just not as easy, that's a fact.
I feel such an obligation to stay home, and work. Work work work. Which makes sense that’s what humans we’re designed to do. Graduating high school everyone would ask what you want to do. I had no idea. All I knew is that I need to travel travel travel and have a family. So whatever allows me to do that, as well as having an interest in it.
So far I have done lots of studying, I became a registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Personal Trainer, have completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, and become a Sports Performance Specialist.
Now those are all titles, none of it really means anything considering I’m 23 and have done a few years of studying. It’s great though I am proud, but it doesn’t light a fire within me. I don’t have a burning sensation to go achieve another title. I LOVE to learn, that is without a doubt. But the amount that I learn from travelling… I change so much as a person, your can’t even put a title on it. I learn about history, health, politics, architecture, the environment, building friendships, the list is literally endless.
My point is, if you’re young, go travel. Only if you WANT to travel, if you don’t want to obviously don’t bother. But if you DO, and you’re afraid of leaving your comfort zone, not having enough money, being alone, whatever it is it will work itself out.

Moving to Sydney gave me all the confidence in the world that if I want to do something, I can make it happen. It’s hard to believe this time last year I was leaving for the trip of a lifetime. I had been thinking about it for years, although had no certifications and no money. When I had left, at least I had certifications, but still very little money. Enough to get me there and maybe travel for two months, but not for the whole time. So it was smart I waited till I got my certifications because then I could work at a job that I enjoyed and meet like minded people.
But I certainly didn’t have enough money when I decided to go. I thought to myself “Sky, you cant keep talking about it anymore.. you need to just do it.” So thats what I did. And my oh my it felt like I was re-birthed, and lived an entire life within 6 months. 6 months isn’t a long time, but it felt like a lifetime.
The weird thing is is that I have already been home for 6 months. It came and went in the blink of an eye.
Lastly, death. You have no idea when it’s coming… I mean it could really be around the corner. I hope it’s not!! But you don’t know! Not to have a downer point of view, but death is real, i mean we will all experience it there is no doubt about that. We think we have so much time… but that’s not for sure.
Allexanne passing away has been quite interesting, at times it’s really hard, but most of the time it’s just bizarre. Seriously so weird! It’s really hard to believe! Whenever I get sad I remind myself that everything is what you make it. What can I learn from this? Well if someone told her two years ago she only had two years to live… I definitely would not have believed them, but they were right! So my point it, we think we have all this time, and I hope we do!! But we may not! We may have 2 years.. so plan those years like its your last. Imagine a life if you lived every 2 years like its your last but luckily still had 40 years, oh my gosh imagine all that you could experience in that time.
Anyways, enough rant thank you for listening. I say it so often for a few reasons.
1. Because it’s true.
2. Because I’m reminding myself each time!! Otherwise it is so easy to live on autopilot.
3. It’s important to be aware that your life could end unexpectedly, so I suggest you start living the life you really want to live.
And if you are then you can ignore this and continue what your doing!! And even share it as well, if everyone was doing what they loved the world would be a lot better place.