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Sydney Day 7 - First Day of Work!! - Sept 25, 2018


Ok so technically I got a job within the first week!

This morning I trained a lady named Beth at IFit Bondi - a gym that is literally a couple blocks away! It’s a smaller gym but I like it! The man Mark said he will make a regular schedule for me - I will see Beth again Thursday morning. So that’s exciting!

Came home, had breakfast, did some blogging/vlogging - got ready for the gym and made my way to Fitness First Platinum - a gym in Bondi Junction. It’s such a nice gym!! Ugh I love gyms. I was asking about the PT manager when I first walked in and she was talking to someone right next to me so afterwards I had a chat with her and she was so kind! Again, funny too - I swear all Aussies are funny. So I will meet her tomorrow at 10:30am. Then before I left for the gym I sent my resume/certs into Orange Theory in Bondi Junction as well. I had spoken to a lady who worked there on Sunday - they had a tent set up at Bondi Beach for some run. I will also go into speak to her tomorrow at 12.

It became a nice day so I decided to walk home, with a detour to Bondi. Made lunch, showered, packed my computer/ bag and walked back down to Bondi to do some work. It was pretty cold by then - this was about 5:30pm. So I didn’t stay to long! Came home and Linda made this delicious dinner!!! It actually makes me want to learn how to cook. If you know me you know I am the laziest eater, I literally have smoothies and salads because they’re easy. Also some fav go to snacks are apple and almond butter, and, hummus and carrots… Ya I know everyone thinks I would be this amazing cook because I’m so into nutrition. But nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated!!

Anyways had dinner… and obviously got ready for bed and now its 8pm and I’m pretty ready to pass out.. I’ve been up since 5 so if I get to sleep by 9 then it’s an 8 hour sleep!! Which is pretty luxurious so I’m going to take advantage of the fact that I can sleep that long right now.



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