“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
-Pablo Picasso

Well I didn’t necessarily “start” when I was a certain age. Art honestly is just a way of life in my family.
For as long as I can remember I have been painting! Mum told me that when I was just a baby she would put me on the counter next to her while she was painting, and i would put my fingers in paint and move it around. When I was able to hold a brush then I started to use a brush.. And things progressed from there.
It’s funny because you can see me growing up through my art. I had made paintings for my dad with the whole family holding hands when I was a little girl, a self portrait that I had made in high school. It’s basically just a different type of photo album. Eventually I started to really experiment with all different types of mediums and styles. Our basement is literally an art and fabric store… We most likely have everything you can imagine. (Oh ya side note mum was a fashion designer at Dior in Paris when she was in her early 20’s, then started her own line which was in over 100 stores across Canada! … Then she had kids.. Sorry mum.)
Growing up with the means to express myself through art probably had a huge influence on the mindset that I have today. I rarelyyyy get stressed, I am a perfectionist, but I can also just go with the flow. Art is a form of therapy, so I guess without even knowing it I was always “emptying my bucket”.
Funny enough my sister is working towards becoming an Art Therapist!
I am beyond fortunate to have the parents that I do because they shaped my life. Dad was always into exercise, and mum with art - and now look at me. Half my life is exercise.. and the other is art. I couldn’t love it more!!
Mum started Art Vancouver my first year of Uni. Technically started when I was in grade 12 but the first event was in 2015. Mum has heard of all the Art Fairs across the world and knows how successful they are so thought why not bring it to Vancouver. There is a whole art world out here! Each year we continue to learn and grow. Not to mention the community!! We have a ton of volunteers helping now and it’s absolutely phenomenal. Everyone has so many great ideas and now the show has grown to hosting other events throughout the year. The most exciting part is that it is just the beginning!
Having Art Vancouver every year is great for our art because it pushes us to keep creating and experimenting. Every year we try to have a different theme to continue to expand and develop our creative abilities.
Not to mention it is very much a family affair. Always brainstorming new ideas for the show, having our different roles in making each year come to life.
For the past couple years I have really enjoyed using a palette knife to paint with, and I often tend to use lots of colour.
See you at the show!!!
April 25-28, 2019
Vancouver Convention Centre
Click here to purchase tickets!!
